Open 11am-5pm, 7 days a week. Located at 422 N 4th Avenue, Tucson AZ, 85705.
*Brass & Silver Rings by Little Toro Designs*
*Cairn Enameled Necklace by Little Toro Designs*
*Desert Earrings by Katherine Joyce Illustration*
*Handmade Jewelry by Cosmic Artifacts*
*Pod Necklaces by Little Toro Designs*
*Resist Bracelet by High and Dry*
Acrylic and Polymer Earrings by Luna and Saya
Acrylic Cacti Earrings by Luna & Saya
Adjustable Snake Rings by High and Dry
Amazon Rings by High & Dry Jewelry
Amethyst Rings by Forged Silver Dust
Bauhaus Ceramic Earrings by Tough Kitty Designs
Bauhaus Crescent Earrings by Tough Kitty Designs
Beaded Hoops by Beads Over Diamonds
Big Saguaro Earrings by High & Dry Jewelry
Bitter/Sweet Hearts by Tough Kitty Designs
Black Onyx Rings by Forged Silver Dust
Bolo Ties by Bohemian Behavior
Bolo Ties by Honeycomb Organics
Bone Spike Earrings by Heliotrope
Brass Bandana Slides by Heliotrope
Brass Cast Bolo Ties by Heliotrope
Cast Desert Rings by Heliotrope
Cast Earrings by Heliotrope